Benefits of special programs

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Regardless of which direction of the automotive business you run - your own service station, car wash or car service, in any case, at some point you will face a number of standard problems for this business, which include:

* Systematization and control over the work of employees of the enterprise.

* Accounting of the work performed and the entire range in electronic form.

* Use of CRM systems, with the help of which you can work with sales and carry out various marketing campaigns.


The listed problems are at the same time tasks, having solved which with the help of auto dealer tools it is possible to significantly improve the efficiency of work of this or that auto business.


Naturally, due to the fact that we live in the time of computer technology, specially created software comes to the rescue, with the help of which business management will become noticeably easier.

Working with car service employees


Many owners of auto repair shops and tire shops point out the main problem associated with the staff - frequent late arrivals and constant smoke breaks not on a lunchtime schedule.  These problems can significantly affect your earnings.  For example, if your car service opens at 9 am, then people can drop in right before it opens in order to be in time for work, but if employees are at least 10 minutes late, you can lose a large number of customers.


Automation of a car service will help you solve this problem.  You can install surveillance cameras in your car service to track latecomers and fine them for non-compliance with work routines.

Also, you can use car service automation programs that allow you to always receive all the necessary information, regardless of the time of day.


The use of special software shows itself in practice much better than hired security guards who track the time of arrival and departure of each employee, plus, the software will cost several times less than the monthly payment for security services.


In order for the automation of car service management to prove itself in practice as efficiently as possible, different software should be used to account for work and products sold, depending on what area of   the automotive business you work in.


Some automotive services still keep records of goods, services and customer base by hand, in a special notebook, but the fact is that this way of doing such things has completely exhausted itself and is not an effective method of work.  Handwritten data may be misspelled or accidentally smeared with liquids.  The information that is stored in the computer will be saved much better, and there will be no need to worry about its correctness.


Start automating your life now!

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